

Oct 07, 2023

Hard vs Soft Motorcycle Luggage

Let's settle this debate once and for all

The conversation of hard versus soft luggage is the epitome of motorcycling debates. It seems like almost every rider has an opinion on it, and come to think of it, that is the beauty of it. That's because motorcycle gear, especially luggage, is a personal choice. And because it is subjective, so many factors go into making the decision about which kind of luggage system should a rider opt for.

Surely, there are pros and cons to each of these luggage setups. In this article, we focus on the five most important criteria that have the most weight in making this choice. We will look at the safety, security, convenience, weight, and total cost of each of these luggage systems that will help you make a better and more informed decision. It goes without saying - there is no right or wrong choice. It all comes down to what works for you individually.

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Safety is not probably one of the most important things on your mind when you are considering a luggage setup for yourself. After all, that's not why you buy luggage bags. You buy them to store things on your ride. But the truth is that luggage has an even bigger influence on your overall safety than your crash protection. Think about it - it is your cases that protrude out of the frame of your bike, and maybe even wider than your handlebar in most cases. This means that in the event of a crash, the first contact with the tarmac will be your bag. This creates a dangerous situation where oftentimes, your leg can easily get caught up between the road and the side bags.

Your safety depends on what kind of side bags you have opted for. If these are hard panniers, the chances of a serious injury will be greater and that is because the weight of the entire hard case will be upon your leg, and it will not be as easy for you to free up your legs when you are sliding down the road. The chances of injury you might incur is way less if you have soft bags on. That is down to the flexible shape of soft bags which helps you free your legs away from them even if it comes down on you.

Let's address the elephant in the room. We all want our luggage systems to be safe and secure when we are away from the bike. Fortunately, in the case of hard luggage, this is the biggest pro - the ability to lock your panniers on the fly. Most hard luggage systems come with a lock and key setup which makes it effortless to lock your pannier when needed.

Now this isn't as straightforward when it comes to soft bags. Because of the nature of these bags, you cannot lock them with a key, nor secure them with an additional lock of some sort. While there are a few options emerging in the market that help you secure your soft bags, they are unfortunately a lot more cumbersome. And well, you know how crucial saving time is on long trips with a lot of luggage. Hence, while you can be carefree about what you can carry in your aluminum panniers, you might have to think twice when you are considering soft bags.

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Convenience is the very reason why you are going out to invest in a good set of hard or soft bags. This factor is usually high on people's priority list and well, it's worth it. There is no greater benefit than convenience when you are on a motorcycle trip - long or short. There can be an argument in favor of both, hard and soft bags when it comes to convenience. But a few of these reasons may tip the scale on the side of hard luggage. There is no denying that hard luggage in itself is a waterproof solution. So, you are not required to carry additional bags or rain liners. Secondly, because you have a defined area, it makes it easier to compartmentalize your stuff. This in turn makes it easier for you to reach and grab your gear without disturbing the other components of your luggage.

In comparison, while most modern-day soft bags do come standard as waterproof, the more affordable options may require you to put on additional rain liners. And if you do get caught up in a rainstorm, having to get off and put on rain liners on your luggage can prove to be a hassle. On top of that, pulling something out of your soft bag can prove to be a pain because the rest of your gear might end up tumbling over inside. So if convenience is your priority, go for hard options.

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The weight of your luggage system is, in our eyes, the most important aspect you should be considering before making such an investment. This can be of low priority to riders who mostly ride on well-paved roads. But if you are someone who likes to explore the rugged trails and jump around on bad country roads, you will have to take the weight of your luggage system into consideration. Every additional pound has the ability to alter your bike's ergonomics.

Hard luggage invariably tends to be a lot heavier and that is because of all the metal that is used. Don't forget you will need proper pannier racks to mount your aluminum boxes to. This can be easily in excess of 50 pounds on each side. When it comes to soft luggage, this is undoubtedly the lighter solution. Soft bags in themselves do not have any significant weight of their own. And you can even opt for reckless solutions to further cut down on the weight of saddle stays. If maneuverability is your concern, soft bags are the solution.

This is undoubtedly the most important aspect of any purchase decision. Hard cases are generally a lot more expensive than your conventional soft bags. This cost is further influenced by the kind of bike you have. The same luggage system for an adventure motorcycle and a cruiser carries different costs, and that is because of the different setups that are required on each bike.

Most aluminum hard panniers start from around the $1,000 mark. In comparison to this, you can get yourself premium soft luggage options for half the cost. As is the case with most motorcycle gear, the limit on what you can spend is seemingly endless. The more premium brands charge a whole lot more, while, to be honest, most decent entry-level luggage systems do the job well enough. But if budget is what you are basing your decision on, soft bags will be the more accessible option for you. The best part is that due to the nature of the soft luggage system, you can add more bags to the same setup with the help of molly loops or additional straps when you have more funds available in the future. So the expandability option and the ability to customize soft luggage bags can be a big plus for those who keep tinkering with their motorcycle gear on different rides.

Utkarsh has over a decade of experience traveling and documenting his adventures through photographs and films.He has a YouTube channel where he shows his motorcycle adventures through India. On days when he is not writing about motorcycles, he's riding one.